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Short Code (56677,56070)

Short codes, are special Telephone Numbers, significantly shorter than full telephone numbers, which can also be used to address SMS messages from mobile phones. Short codes are usually 5 digits (e.g. 56767, 56677, 56070) long, but can be depending on the clients requirement. They are designed to be shorter to read out and easier to remember than normal telephone numbers. Short codes are widely used for value-added services such as Brand Promotion, Television Voting, ordering ringtones, charity donations and mobile services.

Through our Web-based SMS Marketing Platform, we can provide you both PUSH/PULL SMS services. You can not only send Bulk SMS to people but also receive their responses in the same Web-based software.

Benefits :

  • Instant reply via automated message
  • Short Codes are provides your potential Leads and convenient way to contact your business
  • Get leads at email or mobile phone
  • Two way communication (Push/Pull)
  • Its easier to learn
  • Value added & cost effective service
  • Its symbol of creditability & message of professionally managed setup.
  • For the more details, please call at +91-9670150334